View Profile ant109

ant109's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 295 (From 60 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 5,555 Points

4 Swords Misadventures 7

Medals Earned: 3/9 (135/250 points)

Chuck Norris 10 Points

Click on one of the statues during the scene.

Get on with it 25 Points

Click on Dark Link's sunglasses during his Matrix dialogue.

Sarias Song 100 Points

Press Down Right Left, Down Right Left on the keyboard to play her song.

Blizzeta Screamer 5 Points

Click on the button that says "When's the next one coming out?"

Red Link Bloopers 5 Points

Find the hidden Red Link button for bloopers and outtakes.

Robot Chicken 5 Points

Click on Cojiro the Cucco for a Robot chicken gag.

Find the Sign Guy 25 Points

Click on one of Dark Link's clones to find the Sign guy right behind them.

Zelda Bonus Scene 25 Points

After the credits are over, Click on Zelda's eyes in the middle of the screen to see her complain about the episode.

Dark Link's Milk 50 Points

When Blue talks about Dark Link, Click on the words "Dark Link" in the subtitles to see a deleted scene of the riot.

Armed Prophet

Medals Earned: 3/17 (60/480 points)

Zombie Meat 10 Points

Get killed by a zombie.

Hand it Over 25 Points

Kill Zomboss.

Skull 25 Points

Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.

Alien Juice 10 Points

Get killed by an alien.

Robot Fuel 10 Points

Get killed by a robot.

Alcoholic 25 Points

Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.

Anorexic 25 Points

Play through a stage without eating or drinking.

Armed Prophet 25 Points

Unlock all weapons.

Chairman 25 Points

Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.

Classic Hero 25 Points

Play through every stage.

Kill Smiley 25 Points

Kill Smileborg

The Freeman 25 Points

Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.

ZOMG!!!1 25 Points


Handy Man 50 Points

Kill Zomboss with his own arm.

Illegal Alien 50 Points

Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.

Smiley Hater 50 Points

Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.

Testosterowned 50 Points

Play through a stage on real man difficulty.

Armor Mayhem

Medals Earned: 6/30 (35/270 points)

First Blood 5 Points

Kill 1 Soldier

Once upon a time 5 Points

Complete the first mission

Ouch 5 Points

Get killed by the map

Piggy Bank 5 Points

Earn 100$

Third time is the best 5 Points

Score a Triple Kill

All your base are belong to us 10 Points

Control all the control points in a mission at once

Acupuncture 5 Points

Unlock the Dart Gun

Amateur killer 5 Points

Kill 100 Soldiers

Apprentice Killer 5 Points

Kill 30 Soldiers

Death from the sky 5 Points

Score a double kill with the Ion Cannon equipped

Delivery 5 Points

Capture 15 flags

Give it back 5 Points

Kill 5 soldiers holding a flag

Gold Digger 5 Points

Earn 1000$

Kaboom 5 Points

Unlock the Rocket Launcher

Master Blaster 5 Points

Unlock the Plasma Gun

Ninja 5 Points

Catch a flag in the air

Rocket Rain 5 Points

Unlock the Automatic Rocket Launcher

Seek and Destroy 5 Points

Score a double kill with the Auto. Rocket Launcher equipped

Super Virus 5 Points

Win a mission in Overdrive mode

What time is it? 5 Points

Unlock the Slow Bubble Gun

Will you ever learn? 5 Points

Get killed by the map 10 times

Expert killer 10 Points

Kill 200 Soldiers

Ion Blaster 10 Points

Unlock the Ion Cannon

Keep going 10 Points

Complete 50% of the missions

Mad Dough 10 Points

Earn 3000$

Suit up! 10 Points

Unlock all the armor styles

Weapon Master 10 Points

Unlock all the weapons

Complete 25 Points

Complete all the missions

Master killer 25 Points

Kill 500 Soldiers

Godly killer 50 Points

Kill 1000 Soldiers

Armored Ashura

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/190 points)

Henshin 5 Points

Transform to Ashura mode!

Comboist 10 Points

Perform a 45 combo.

Coming Home 25 Points

End the game.

Greedy Ashura 50 Points

Score more than 200K

Ashura Master 100 Points

End the game without dying in expert difficulty.


Medals Earned: 1/23 (5/500 points)


Reach difficulty level 5!


Score 1 million points!

10 STAR STREAK 5 Points

Destroy 10 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!

25 STAR STREAK 10 Points

Destroy 25 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!


Score 5 million points!

50 STAR STREAK 10 Points

Destroy 50 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!


Reach difficulty level 10!


Reach difficulty level 15!


Score 10 million points!

100 STAR STREAK 25 Points

Destroy 100 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!


Score 20 million points!

75 STAR STREAK 25 Points

Destroy 75 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!


Have 6 Yellow Spikes active at the same time!


Have 6 Red Seekers following you at one time!


Reach difficulty level 20!


Use only Red Seekers to destroy 15 Blue Stars in a row!

SPIKED 25 Points

Use only Yellow Spikes to destroy 5 Blue Stars in a row!


Score over 50k points using a Red Seeker on a Blue Star!


Score over 250k points using a Yellow Spike on a Blue Star!

150 STAR STREAK 50 Points

Destroy 150 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!

200 STAR STREAK 50 Points

Destroy 200 Blue Stars in a row without taking any damage!


Reach difficulty level 30!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Back to the Cubeture 1

Medals Earned: 1/9 (50/500 points)

Playboy 50 Points

Find the adult pleasure.

Ultimate Bully 25 Points

Bully the weak.

Ultimate Pest 25 Points

Bully your own boss.

Ultimate Savior 25 Points

Defend the weak.

Ultimate Spitter 25 Points

Real cowboys spit a lot.

Nature Boy 50 Points

Become one with the desert

Do Lose Your Head 100 Points

Sometimes it's ok to lose your head over something.

Nude Boy 100 Points

Walk around (almost) naked.

Ultimate Winner 100 Points

Complete the Game.

Cave of Wonders

Medals Earned: 5/10 (120/315 points)

Rude awakening 10 Points

Defeat Luis' 1st form.

Tighty whitey power 10 Points

Defeat Luis' 2nd form.

Abyss-mal 25 Points

Find the 2nd alternate ending.

Stack the deck 25 Points

Defeat Luis' 3rd form.

Flee powder 50 Points

Escape the cave.

Black Coffin 10 Points

Die before beating Luis.

Grape Crush 25 Points

Find the 1st alternate ending.

Lou Lou Zoom 50 Points

Beat the game in under 200 seconds.

Real Ultimate Power 100 Points

Complete all other achievements!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Crush The Castle 2

Medals Earned: 16/22 (90/140 points)

Acidic 5 Points

Melt 100 castle pieces.

Air Burst 5 Points

Detonate a remote bomb in flight.

Bombastic 5 Points

Explode 100 castles pieces.

Electric Boogaloo 5 Points

Electrocute 5 enemies in one shot.

I'm a Lumberjack 5 Points

Destroy 10 castles with only log ammo.

I'm Melting 5 Points

Cover an enemy in acid.

Jack Frost 5 Points

Freeze 100 castle pieces.

Ladies First 5 Points

Kill a Princess or a Queen first on any level.

Last Laugh 5 Points

Kill the Jester last on any level.

Logged to Death 5 Points

Hit and kill an enemy directly with a log.

Oh The Humanity! 5 Points

Burn 5 enemies in one shot.

Priority Target 5 Points

Kill the king first on any level.

Pyromaniac 5 Points

Burn 100 castle pieces.

Prohibition 10 Points

Destroy 100 barrels.

Veteran Crusher 10 Points

Crush all castles

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

A Freeze is Coming 5 Points

Freeze 3 enemies in one shot.

Death From Above 5 Points

Hit and enemy directly with a parachute bomb.

Throw Like a Girl 5 Points

Throw after the trebuchet has reached it's return point.

You're Doing It Wrong 5 Points

Kill and enemy with a remove bomb without detonating it.

Golden God 25 Points

Get gold medals on all castles.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 3/16 (75/500 points)

Freeroes 25 Points

Get Secret Ending

Kaminari Ninja 25 Points

Defeat Raijinmaru

Story Normal 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Normal or Hard

Guardians 5 Points

Defeat the Footie Twins

Heavy Weapons 5 Points

Defeat Battbot

Monkey Biz 5 Points

Defeat Ootkey

Bad Transit 10 Points

Defeat TRN-1

Patricide 25 Points

Defeat creator of Dadgame

Story Easy 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Easy, Normal, or Hard

Story Hard 25 Points

Beat Story Mode on Hard

WSW Tribute 25 Points

Defeat Final Weapon

Cheating Death 50 Points

Defeat Mecha-Death

Debugger 50 Points

Defeat Phantom

Presto! 50 Points

Beat Boss Battles on HARD

Tower Offender 50 Points

Beat Tower of Destiny on HARD

Dadgamer 100 Points

100% Completion

Deliver That Fulp

Medals Earned: 2/13 (20/155 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!